
CTS Engineering, Inc. provides complete transportation design services to government agencies and private corporations. We recognize that to create and implement efficient and safe transportation solutions, we must work closely with our clients to understand their needs.

Our goal is to design implementable facilities and components, which will improve the overall performance of true multimodal systems.

We offer a wide range of transportation design services from concept development to final construction plan sets as follows:

Minor, Major, and Controlled Access Highway Design (FDOT Work Types 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3)

  • Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation (RRR)
  • Reconstruction and Widening
  • Expressways and Interchanges
  • Complete Streets
  • Bike and Pedestrian Facilities
  • Traffic Operations and Safety Improvements

Signing, Pavement Marking & Channelization (FDOT Work Type 7.1)

Lighting (FDOT Work Type 7.2)

  • Photometric Analysis
  • Corridor Lighting
  • Intersection and Pedestrian Lighting

Signalization (FDOT Work Type 7.3)

Stormwater Drainage Systems

  • Urban Drainage
  • Rural/Open Swale Drainage
  • Site Drainage

Transit, Rail, and Park & Ride Facilities

Site Development


  • Multimodal Corridor Studies
  • Planning Level Concept Plans
  • Maintenance or Traffic
  • Cost Estimating
  • Scheduling
  • Scope Development