CTS Engineering, Inc. provides a wide range of engineering and planning services for public agencies and private corporations for multimodal improvements. CTS develops and implements innovative, cost-effective solutions to provide out-of-box solutions for pedestrian, bicycle, transit, rail, and freight facilities. We also provide comprehensive planning and engineering services in relates to seaport, airport, intermodal center, and other multimodal facilities.
We offer a wide range of engineering/planning services as follows:
Policy Planning (FDOT Work Type 13.3) & Land Planning/Engineering (FDOT Work Type 13.6)
- Economic Impact Studies
- Transportation Policy and Funding Strategies
- Downtown, Site-Specific, and Sub-area Parking Plan and Studies
- Intermodal Connectivity
- Landside Planning and Design
- Freight Movement Optimization
- Passenger Movement Optimization
- Master Planning
- Facilities Planning and Design
- Development Review Services
- Expert Witness Representation
Project Development and Environmental Studies (2.0), System Planning (FDOT Work Type 13.4) & Subarea/Corridor Planning (FDOT Work Type 13.5)
- Travel Demand Model Development
- Long-range, Multimodal Transportation System Plans
- Project Development and Development (PD&E) Studies
- Regional, corridor, and Sub-Area levels of studies
- Complete Streets
- Interchange Improvement Plan
- Transit Operations
- Transit Development Planning
- Ridership Demand Forecasting
- Operations Analysis and Planning
Transportation Statistics (FDOT Work Type 13.7)
- Multimodal data collection
- Data processing and analysis
- Transit On-board Survey and Analysis
- Ridership data collection and analysis
- Transit market analysis
- Asset Management